A license to care: providing peace of mind for care recipients and their families

Welcome to our introduction to the Australian Care Worker Gateway – a legacy making initiative.

The Gateway provides an opportunity for government to demonstrate its commitment to service quality and safety, to innovation, and to the care workforce.

It will transform how people are engaged, trained and retained across the care economy.

Committing to build a digital worker registry, government changes the conversation from one of burden to economic value of the care workforce. 

As core digital infrastructure, the Gateway will drive service efficiencies, eliminate duplicative training efforts, and reduce administrative costs for both care providers and workers. 

Miles Morgan Australia, together with the University of Melbourne and our associated delivery partners, have demonstrated capability and capacity to build a comprehensive and credible case for government.

As your partners in game-changing technology,
we will prove the concept and develop the business case for the full adoption of digital infrastructure that is faster, cheaper and will deliver better results than any other approach.

The Gateway will better utilise funding already allocated, creating a better return on investment by making our care economy more productive.

Ultimately, the Gateway will help government reduce costs and improve care outcomes.

A license to care: creating value for all care workers